Living a Sacred Life
Complete Course
4 Amazing Trainings in Spiritual Learning to Deepen Your Connection to the Spirit Realm
4 Courses in 1 - The Complete Living a Sacred Life Spiritual Learning Series
Essential Meditation
These meditation practices will give you the right tools to expand your awareness and lead you to the Superconscious. You'll be able to know what meditations to use when and why they work. When you master these techniques, you'll be more than ready to step into the next course to meet your spirit guides. This training will also help you develop a practice that you can fit into your life. It will work because you'll understand the mechanics behind what makes it work.
Spirit Contact &
Shamanic Practices
This course will teach you how to master your vibration by training you how to manage your emotions. You'll be given specific practices that partly have their foundation in various shamanic practices to ensure that you move into the spirit realm in the right way. You'll meet your assigned spirit guide, the one that came to help you be human. You'll also develop a deeper relationship with your senses and intuition in a way that will help you in every part of your life.
Spirit Contact II -
Journeys in Consciousness
This course takes things to another lever by diving more deeply into science and the study of consciousness. It will help you understand empathy, what it is, and how to manage it which is especially important for sensitives. You'll get a better understanding of how the spirit realm works and your relationship to it. You'll deepen with methods of changing brain state. Then you'll meet a teaching spirit or ascended master to get direct revelation, the ability to receive answers to complicated problems from the spirit realm.
Spirit Contact III -
Connection & Protection
This final course in the series will dive deeper into shamanic principles to understand the continuum of good and evil. You'll be highly informed about the different types of spirits, who and what they are, and how to discern between them. You'll also contact a guardian spirit to help you maintain sovereignty and protection in uneasy circumstances. You'll learn more about the senses, about our connection to Mother Earth, and to life's purpose. You'll also create your own mythos that supports your purpose in life and the story behind your creation.
Expand to See the Module List for Essential Meditation
Course Content
Module 1
Expand to See the Module List for Spirit Contact & Shamanic Practices
Course Content
Expand to See the Module List for Spirit Contact II - Journeys in Consciousness
Course Content
Expand to See the Module List for Spirit Contact III - Connection & Protection
Course Content
Living a Sacred Life is a course designed to teach the arts of meditation and spirit contact to promote a more fulfilling way of being in the world by transforming your Spiritual Learning.
This happens by expanding your awareness of the behaviors, beliefs and perceptions that are interfering with your centeredness and presence in everyday matters.
This improves your relationships, your health and well-being, and your ability to act toward the outcomes you want to create in your life.
This workshop is guaranteed to open you up to a life changing practice.
About This Course
This entire training will give you access to four courses meant to be taken in the proper order. You're welcome to bound around and take lessons ad hoc. You could even skip the Essential Meditation course. However, if you're a serious learner, it behooves you to start there before moving onto Spirit Contact & Shamanic Practices.
There are many video trainings averaging about 20 mins. You'll receive exercises and guided experiences that you can even take with you to listen outside of the course so that you can practice. Additionally, there'll be discussions taken from live classed that answer the most common questions you may have.
You'll discover how your intuition and imagination function. The symbolic part of the mind that will help you understand the world in a completely different way. Your access to the Superconscious will open doors for you that will expand your perception of yourself and the world around you.
What You'll Leave With
Living a Sacred Life is a course designed to teach the arts of meditation and spirit contact to promote a more fulfilling way of being in the world by transforming what's on the inside. This happens by expanding your awareness of the behaviors, beliefs and perceptions that are interfering with your centeredness and presence in everyday matters. This improves your relationships, your health and well-being, and your ability to act toward the outcomes you want to create in your life.
About Sean Imler
I started my journey 35 years ago...
...trying to heal a broken childhood. Professionally, I’ve spent years in the arts and technology, and over a decade in practice as a healer, hypnotherapist, coach, and teacher.
Before that, I was simply a seeker, probably a lot like you. I knew there was something going on, something the sages and gurus knew that I wanted to know as well. The secret that every seeker wants to know.
I used meditation, the words in countless books, and the teachings from numerous teachers to reach an understanding that I want to share with you.
Just Listen
Course Information
Taking the Living a Sacred Life course facilitated by Sean Imler resonated with me and my higher self on various levels.
What drew me to the class and kept me engaged, was Sean's multimodal approach. Hypnotic language patterns, Native American invocation and gratitude songs. Introduction to helpful indigenous herbs, sounds to lead us into journeying, and altered states of consciousness. Journeying to connect with a guide. Discovering we can journey for another, which can be easier than journeying for self. Oh yes, and anchoring in these successful altered states, so they're easier to attune to in the future.
Sean is a modern day Mystic Urban Shaman and hypnotherapist whom uses Lakota lodge songs to welcome in the cardinal directions, then sending them home song upon completion of our time. I love attending sweat lodges, singing along, so this totally resonated with my soul.
The use of sounds during our shamanic journeying time, was very conductive to get us to altered states. Drumming, rattling, and sound bowls, beautiful.
As someone that has studied the power of words (hypnotic language patterns and NLP,) I REALLY appreciated the aforementioned details ESPECIALLY as it was paired with persuasive language patterns.
I was able to note and appreciate language patterns; including pauses, analog marking, as well as pacing and leading to lead us into our journeying. So supportive, and easier to integrate meditative/ journeying practices.
There were various moments information was being presented, I couldn't help but smile as I listened to the content. Being thankful that I had attracted this amazing teacher that resonated with various aspects of myself.
I highly recommend checking out Sean Imler's new material. You're sure to come away with great spiritual tools for Living A Sacred Life.
San Jose, CA
First of all I want to say thank you to Sean for this amazing course and for the opportunity he has given me to learn from him.
Initially when I saw the course being offered I was disappointed as I live in Western Australia so wasn't able to attend in person, but when I contacted Sean he offered to teach me the course via Skype which was absolutely amazing. I was drawn the course specifically because of the opportunity to learn spirit communication and contact, which I have been wanting to learn for most of my life!
While taking the course I experienced a greater awareness of life and spirit, and felt like my eyes had been opened. The exercises I was given were fantastic and I learnt to not only feel and merge with nature (plants, rocks, animals etc) but I also met my spirit guides and learnt how to communicate with them, which was absolutely amazing.
After completing the course I am now able to journey and to communicate with my spirit guides amongst many other skills. I feel a greater sense of peace and empowerment knowing that I have love and assistance from my guides and that I can actually contact them when need be.
Sean was absolutely amazing in teaching this course to me. Even though we were in different time zones Sean worked with me to find a time and date that suited me and my busy work and home schedule. Classes were booked in advance so I could work them in around my business hours, and I had the flexibility that I needed to complete the course. Sean was always more than happy to answer any questions I had and was a calm and approachable teacher which really put me at ease. He catered the course to my needs and really made sure I got what I wanted out of the course, as well as making sure I had the correct foundations to do so.
I would highly recommend Sean's course and book. The tools that Sean has given me are invaluable and I cant thank him enough. To anyone thinking of whether or not to read the book or to complete the course, stop thinking and just do it! I guarantee it will be one of the best investments you've ever made.
Perth, Australia
I approached Sean’s Living a Sacred Life Course with a curious and open mind about Shamanism and how it relates to our natural world. Having done some journeying before, what I was blessed to experience during this course were amazing, more intimate and vivid journeys with my spirit guides.
In the process I learned to ask questions and receive answers from my guides, and also to journey for others. Enlightening and useful methods of meditation were also introduced. In addition to the course, I’ve attended shamanic sound healing sessions with Sean and find him to be a dedicated and compassionate teacher and healer, interested in both individual and global healing and transformation.
Mountain View, CA
I really enjoyed the class with Sean. I had previous experience with shamanic journeys and was looking to learn more and strengthen my ability to meet with my spirit guides.
Sean taught me how to practice meditation safely and connect to my guides even without leading myself into a trance. I met one of my most important spirit guides and since the course, I always feel connected to it. With Sean’s training, I was able to receive guidance and hear my guides very loud and clear, and experienced overall personal healing. The class exceeded my expectations and I feel very appreciative!
Aptos, CA
Sean's course and more importantly his one on one coaching/teaching sessions completely changed my life.
I gained access to new tools that help center myself quickly and get into states that bring forward endless creativity and possibility. Before, it was like I have been living my life like a computer that only has one cable to the Internet. Now, it's like I am completely free and my consciousness was upgraded with high-speed Wi-Fi.
Chicago, Il
Nothing but praise and gratitude to the infinitely gifted teacher and healer, Sean Imler, for helping me to expand my once rudimentary and shallow spiritual practice into a deeply meaningful and ALIVE Way of Life.
Don't miss the opportunity to personally connect with Sean as he teaches how to create a truly multi-sensory, multi-dimensional, healing, balanced, reverent, joyful Spiritual Life.
New York, NY
Living a Sacred Life class from Sean Imler introduced me to practices that helped deepen my connection to my own guidance and the Spirit realm.
I learned different ways to listen and connect with my guides and to trust the messages. It was a wonderful, loving experience. I felt Sean used many techniques, shamanic and others, that helped me get out of my thoughts about life and Accept this Life in a new and loving way. Plus, he’s a great guy.
Los Altos, CA
I took the Shamanic healing course for the purpose of learning how to manage and heal my chronic pain syndrome, which I’d had after an injury for more than a year.
I noticed the effects of this course beginning from the very first class, and it overall went beyond my expectations.
Sean is a talented teacher who combined theory with practice. The meditation exercises which Sean was teaching in his class quickly opened inner abilities within me which I did not know about, such as: Astral projection, telepathy, clairvoyance, and even energy healing.
It connected me to a beautiful spiritual world and opened my eyes to the beauty of nature! Since taking this course I always feel connected to the spirit world and my spirit guides who guide me in my life!
This course totally changed my life. It brought me to new path of spiritual enlightenment and transformation!
Palo Alto, CA
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Living a Sacred Life - Complete Course
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HUGE Savings! - 4 Classes in 1
$239 $308
Instructions: 9.5 Hours
Lessons: 49
Exercises & Meditations: 18
Discussions: 6
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At Your Own Pace
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Frequently Asked Questions
What if I've done a lot of this work already?
There's a money back guarantee. If you complete the first day and feel that you're not getting anything from the workshop, by all means I will refund your money. You have nothing to lose. Try it out. I expect that people will have done some of this work as I've pulled from various teachers and traditions. However, some of this work is totally unique and you will not find it anywhere else.
Are you only teaching online?
I love teaching in person. Since Covid happened, I've been making a slow transition to teaching online. There's obviously a huge advantage in being able to reach people from far away. The downside is the lack of intimacy. I'll try my best to make the workshop feel intimate. I'll be using my spiritual tools to create a unified and heart centered container. Every person is special to me regardless of our online or in-person connection.
Is this a specific spiritual tradition?
There is a wisdom that affects all of humanity. This reflects itself in many if not all spiritual and religious traditions. My purpose is to not get caught up in the dogma of any particular tradition but rather help people connect to their essential nature. It's about accessing the truth as it exists in each and every person.
How long will I have access to the course?
You'll have lifetime access to the course, or at least the lifetime of the web site.
Get the complete course now for only $239
This is complete Living a Sacred Life course. It includes Essential Meditation, Spirit Contact & Shamanic Practices, Spirit Contact II, and Spirit Contact III.