What is Building a Sacred Life?

Building a Sacred Business Hundertwasser altThis is a Group Program with 1-1 Coaching to mutually support each other in having a powerful spiritual foundation for your career, family, relationship, and health that is in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

The premise is based on the following ideals:


Building a Sacred Life focuses on aligning your actions, relationships, and personal growth with your higher spiritual purpose. It involves integrating mindfulness, self-care, and intentional living into every aspect of life. By fostering a deeper connection with yourself, the world around you, and the divine, you create a life that is not only fulfilling but also in harmony with your inner wisdom. A sacred life is about living with purpose, compassion, and balance, honoring your spiritual and emotional needs.


The concept of building a sacred relationship can be described as aligning your personal or professional relationship with your deeper spiritual purpose. In the context of business, this means fostering a harmonious connection that serves not just practical goals, but also nurtures mutual growth and collective well-being.

A sacred relationship invites understanding of natural rhythms—such as those found in nature or astrological cycles—and integrates spiritual principles. The focus is on mutual support, healing, and collaboration, with both parties seeking to uplift each other toward a shared, higher purpose.


A sacred family emphasizes nurturing deep connections that honor each individual’s spiritual and emotional growth. In a sacred family, members support each other’s healing journeys, communicate with empathy, and create an environment of trust and safety. Each person is valued for their unique role and contribution, while the family as a whole thrives through shared spiritual practices, mutual respect, and conscious care. Building a sacred family means fostering relationships that align with higher purpose, love, and unity, creating a foundation for lasting well-being and harmony.


Building sacred health focuses on aligning your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through mindful practices and holistic care. It involves nurturing your body with nutrition, movement, and rest while embracing spiritual practices such as meditation, breathwork, or energy healing. Sacred health is about recognizing the body as a vessel for spiritual growth and fostering a deep connection with your inner self. By creating balance between body, mind, and spirit, you cultivate a harmonious, empowered, and fulfilled life in alignment with your higher purpose.


Natural environmental forces are at play and we can benefit by being in alignment with them.  Just as the moon and the seasons govern the growing cycles of the food we eat, so those forces support our personal endeavors.  We can align our efforts with those forces in order to establish and maintain a healthy balance with nature.  

This allows nature to rest, and allows us to rest from our efforts when it is appropriate.  It tells us when to work at the greatest benefit to ourselves and the business.  It tells us when to reap our rewards, and when to make plans.

A Time For Everyone Season

Every endeavor has a season, and every moon period has a story to tell.

Our program will follow the phases of the moon, seeking to align our efforts with the phases that work the best.  We’ll journal our efforts and build upon successes by timing what we do with when it is most appropriate.

We’ll have quarterly events that will teach practices to support our personal healing journey, stay in alignment of the natural cycles for optimal growth and flourishing, and overcoming challenges.  The content of these events will be agreed upon by the members.

Each person will have a personal astrological chart done that helps illuminate their soul’s purpose and the optimal personal growth alignment.  They’ll be directed to use that information in determining the season and lunar courses of action for the best results.  Each person will also track basic astrological concepts that inform them of the predictable timings for different domain opportunities, whether that’s business, family, relationship, or health.  There is no need for anyone to learn complex astrological systems.  Basic charts will be supplied.

Building a Sacred Business flower altThere are important personal practices that improve each person’s well being.  It will be expected that each person work toward a balanced relationship with each of the four pillars of living: Mental, Emotional, Physical, Spiritual – Finances, Relationships, Health, Spiritual Practice – East, West, South, North

We’ll include esoteric thought, metaphysical philosophy, science, shamanic practice, meditation, emotional intelligence, astrology, and psychology into the mix.

With the group experience, each person is open, willing and ready to assist and support each other in the group in order for each person to succeed.  We’ll focus on community and being there for each other to hold each other accountable.   We’ll take our place in the world ecologically by way of this presence, be successful, and remain passionate and intentional.

What Problem Does Building a Sacred Life Solve?

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You can’t live life in a bubble.  You need fresh perspectives from people to help you see what you can’t. 

Most people are operating on their own through trial and error, testing to see what produces results and fulfillment, and what doesn’t.  

Another way to approach things is having a clear understanding of your purpose in life and having the capacity to act according to spiritual principles to produce spiritual results in the world.  This isn’t something that’s taught in any colloquial school, nor is it even a feature of 99% of education programs.  

We’ve been taught how to compete, not how to collaborate.  This means a paradigm shift, and one that’s long overdue. 

Knowing Where to Go

We often spend much of our life testing our direction, walking unknown paths, and doing what people tell us to in order to find fulfillment and happiness.  What if you had an actual map and the weather forecast instead of stepping into the unknown and getting lost in it?  We often don’t understand the natural cycles that influence our behavior and our objectives in life and in business.  

This program is designed to give clearer timings to things.  It’s also designed to help get your “stuff” healed and out of the way to allow your greater purpose to act through you. 

This is a platform of like-minded people to get objective perspectives and share personal insights. 

There are forces beyond your awareness that influence your endeavors for better and for worse.  I help to identify what’s standing in your way of success and overcome those things.

This is a platform to help:

  • Business owners and career people get clear on what’s standing in the way of their success. 
  • Family members to be more integrated and understanding with the family members they’ve chosen.
  • Partnerships and Relationships flourish in a world that’s distracting and complicated.
  • Healing from a toxic environment that’s robbing us of vibrant health.
  • Everyone who is on the spiritual path find understanding, personal growth, and awareness.

Achieve these things with a community of like-minded individuals through teaching, sharing, collaboration and healing. 

Who is This For?

This isn’t “How to Succeed in Life Without Really Trying.”  This is a collective that aims to bring integrity, ecology, spiritual purpose and healing to business and personal endeavors. 

This is the right program for you if…

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You want to know how to optimize your efforts in accordance with natural forces.

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Desire to Grow Collectively

You wonder about the patterns that drive the machinery of nature, our unconscious, the great mystery, and social consciousness.

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Spiritual Undercurrent

You have a great desire to understand life at a deeper level; a curiosity about the unseen dimension to all things.

Why Is Building a Sacred Life Essential?

Building a Sacred Business cactus flower altFor many years, I worked in Silicon Valley startups and big corporations.  These were really fun times when the internet was young.  Nothing was for certain and the foundation of the internet was in the early stages of development.  

As time went by, I became very aware that the higher ups were always going after “low hanging fruit”, meaning that they wanted to make money fast.  From an internet user’s experience, sacrifices were often made in the name of what would make the most money rather than improve the needs of the user.  

Looking back when Google came on the scene, their original moto was “Do No Evil.”  Those days are long gone.  Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon all have work cultures that are soul-stripping.  You trade your health, relationships, family, and time for money, the ultimate carrot on a stick.  All these companies perpetuate this culture instead of working to diminish it.  The real problem is it affects the greater culture.  We are all the products of these “cultural norms.”

Our job is to change this from the inside out.

Life Needs Soul

A life that has no soul does not serve humanity.  If a life doesn’t serve humanity, it’s only serving itself.  What we have globally is a mentality that life needs to only serve itself and can do so at the expense of the environment on which it’s founded.  This is completely backwards.  

Every domain has a great opportunity to make life better for everyone.  It should support the environment in which it exists, and replenish the resources from where it draws from.  How does a person determine whether they’re doing this?

For us, there are environmental factors that serve as guide posts for our efforts and whether they’re serving humanity.  These environmental forces are to be found in the framework by which life exists, namely Earth and sky.  

If you are aligned with these forces, you are not only serving your purpose in life, but supporting life’s purpose.  To be in alignment with purpose creates personal reward, the kind of reward that gives a sense of fulfillment.  This is the “happiness” that most people are seeking, but it is an inward journey that produces an outward result.  It’s the path and not the destination.

Program Structure

  1. One to One Coaching
    • Private 1-1 Member coaching call to clarify, plan, heal, eliminate, support, encourage, and guide you to success.  You can do these:
      • Monthly
      • Bi-Monthly
      • Quarterly
  2. Monthly Group Coaching and New Moon Tracking and Intention Setting
    • Monthly call sharing successes, current projects, and turning roadblocks into opportunities.  
    • Looking at the astrological forecast for the month.
    • Astrological transits for each Member to time their endeavors for the month to the Lunar Phases.
    • Setting intentions for the month.
    • Journey to ask our higher self and spirit helpers for guidance.
  3. Monthly In-person Group Meetings
    • These can be online as well
    • Working together on specific intentions
    • Individual and group coaching support where needed
    • Introducing tools for personal and career growth
    • Harnessing group power to make energetic change in the world
    • Deepening spiritual tools, done in a ceremonial fashion
  4. Quarterly Events
    • 1-2 day online events
    • Each event will be decided upon by the group to serve its needs and each person’s individual needs to assist their intentions.  Some possibilities:
      • Essential Meditation – Meditation instruction that’s ever evolving and leading you toward awakening into being a next level human being.
      • Seeing Through the Shamanic Lens
      • Awakening to Your Soul’s Purpose – Soul’s purpose exercises to go deeper into navigating your life and everyone in it with your personal compass.
      • Compassionate Forgiveness – Full workshop on the art of forgiveness, compassion, and reclaiming your energy instead of giving it away by holding onto your history.
      • Astrology as a Guiding Principle
      • Ancestral Friends and Foes – Working with ancestors, identifying ancestral limitations, and clearing away the past to be released into the future.
      • Creating Clarity – full workshop in intuition, spirit guides, spiritual insight, and conditioning the mind and energetic body.
      • Divination tools – Different ways of connecting with your higher self to answer complex problems quickly.
      • Personal Values – full workshop on understanding your value system based on your astrological natal chart and how clarification can make the decision making process effortless.
      • Past Life Regression – Group experience on healing past life baggage with the help of your higher self.
      • Filters – Breaking down the separation between you and the world around you by identifying the belief systems and protective boundaries you’ve created for ego self safety.
      • Intention Setting – Goals as intentions, how the two are different, and how to properly energetically use intention to propel your actions forward in a holistic and ecological way.
      • Archetypal Balancing – A sophisticated way of understanding yourself and taking action that uses your inner archetypes based on ancient astrology and tarot principles for healing and walking in the world with certainty.
  5. Daily Meditation and Breath
      • Meditation is a foundation for achievement in every area of life.  We’ll explore different styles of meditation until we find the most appropriate meditation style for you.
  6. Aligning with Nature
      • Astrology Readings
      • Seasonal alignment with endeavors both in Nature and in lifecycle.
      • Astro Cartography – Geographical Location
      • Altar work and the Directions
      • Determine your Soul’s purpose to align efforts with the best possible outcome.
  7. Moon Phases
      • Phase of the Moon at birth to reveal more about how you put things into action and what past life influence is playing itself out now.
      • Learn to chart the Moon’s phases to match efforts to when you’ll be most effective.
  8. Support
    • Private Group – To serve the needs of everyone in the group, there will be a daily monitored group forum online.
    • Community is a key element of this project and mutual support is essential to everyone’s success.
  9. Online Archive
    • All material will be recorded and posted online on a private web site that only you have access to.
    • Online forum will help you connect with others and seek support.s
If this program sounds like something you’re interested in, let’s set up a quick call.
  • 15 Minutes
  • No obligation
  • Free of charge

This is a closed program so we want to make sure that it’s a perfect fit for you and that you’re ready to build a sacred business.